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  • How does 100 Strong Gallatin Valley select the three charitable projects voted on by the membership?
    Applications for 100 Strong Gallatin Valley grants are submitted through this link on our website. We encourage all 501c3 organizations whose mission is to support and improve the lives of women and children to apply. Applications for the next funding cycle must be received by 5 PM two weeks prior to the meeting date. All Applications considered must include a detailed description of the project with a project budget and a timeline for completion that is within one year from grant disbursement. After applications are submitted, the 100 Strong Gallatin Valley Vision Team reviews each grant, looking specifically for capital projects that will undoubtedly impact the lives of women and children in our community.
  • Can non-profits who aren’t chosen apply again?
    Absolutely! We realize that funding in the non-profit world is tight. 100 Strong Gallatin Valley was born out of the idea that women who unite their charitable giving, we can make an even bigger difference together. Just because a project was not chosen one quarter doesn’t mean that the project doesn’t have value. There are many factors that come into play when the list of charitable projects is whittled down. Timing, urgency of need, and the number of people impacted all play a role. Non-profits who apply and do not receive a grant may apply the following quarter by resubmitting a new 100 Strong Non-Profit Project Application.
  • Will the Visionary Team of 100 Strong Gallatin Valley come to my service group to talk about their mission?
    We would love to! Word of mouth has truly helped our grassroots group to flourish. Any opportunity that we can to grow our membership and increase the giving power of our organization is welcome! Simply contact us by using the form field under our Contact Us Page.
  • I donated to 100 Strong Gallatin Valley, now what happens?"
    If you donated online, you should have received an email from One Valley Community Foundation sharing that your secure donation has been accepted and is being processed. Once the membership data has been updated within One Valley Community Foundation, our team will be notified and we will send you a welcome email full of our thanks and gratitude. We honestly couldn’t do what we are doing without the giving and caring spirit of women just like YOU!
  • Will I have a receipt emailed to me from 100 Strong Gallatin Valley?
    Receipts will come via mail from One Valley Community Foundation.
  • How can my donation help to cover the operating costs of 100 Strong Gallatin Valley?
    As a new organization which relies solely on the generosity of our membership, we want to make sure that each and every membership dollar goes to the project at hand. It takes money to run a non-profit. There are website fees, postage costs, plus funds tied to put on each and every one of our quarterly membership events. If you donate online, you can help us by simply increasing your donation by $10 each quarter to help us offset these costs. This will ensure that we can cover our costs to put on our membership events as well as pay our administrative fees without taking a cent away from our grant-supported projects.
  • I am a business owner and would love to play a role in an upcoming meeting, how can I help?"
    We are currently looking at ways to elevate area businesses that are willing to step up and help sponsor one of our membership events. If you are interested in donating services or money to help us cover our basic expenses, we would love to put your business in the spotlight. Simply contact us by using the form field under our Contact Us page here and we will share more on our sponsorship opportunities.
  • The company I work for does match charitable contributions, how can I take advantage of this program to help 100 Strong?"
    Employee Matching Gifts are donations an employer makes to match its employees' charitable contributions. These matching gifts often are dollar-for-dollar, but some companies will give double or even triple the original donation. Check with your human resources department or company owner to find out how that process is handled. We would love to be a beneficiary!
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